Communist Platform member Ben Lewis moving Sheffield’s motion, which can be read here. It was adopted at LU conference.
Author: ComPlat Editor
Syriza: Not European left’s historic moment
Syriza’s speaker at Left Unity’s conference expressed unbounded optimism, but, says Mike Copestake in the article below, such hype is dangerous
Click here for a another recent article on Syriza in the Weekly Worker
Not short on over confidence and empty rhetoric, Marina Prentoulis of Syriza, declared: “We have to understand that the moment we have a left government in Greece this will be the victory of the left across Europe and across the world.” Casting a knowing glance at the Communist Platform bloc seated directly in front of her, she admitted: “I know that for some comrades this ‘new left’ does not sound very promising.” But then she rounded on such doubters, demanding we should all spend less time contemplating past revolutions or engaged in idle daydreams, and more time getting out there and – well – winning!
The vehicle for our victory is, of course, Left Unity, which comrade Prentoulis considers a “sister party” of Syriza due to its ‘broad’ character, encompassing as it does a variety of different political tendencies. But the real key, according to our comrade, is to maintain our unity and the unity of all such broad left parties, wherever they may be. No matter how coded by the euphemistic talk of achieving “social justice”, the hope of working class advance and “the victory of the left across Europe and across the world”, combined with appeals to the natural and powerful desire for unity, will always play well in front of any leftwing swamp.
This was all very exciting, of course, and apart from the Communist Platform bloc, the applause given to comrade Prentoulis was generous, if not rapturous. But such a level of unwarranted hype is more dangerous than anything else when it cannot be lived up to. The general election in Greece must be held by June 2016 and may be called as early as February 2015. If Syriza comes out on top and forms a government, yet fails to advance working class power, that will not represent a victory for the left across Europe, whatever temporary morale boost it may at first provide. In the longer run we should instead be expecting the demoralisation that occurs when broad parties turn out, even under whatever mass pressure can be expected from the Greek working class, not to be committed to social transformation.
A Syriza government is almost guaranteed to be far more moderate than soft left observers contend and the party is obviously coming to an accord with the Greek and European establishments – in its present predicament between either continued austerity or ‘drachmageddon’, it feels that there is, in fact, no alternative to such ‘moderation’.1 It is this which will be Syriza’s lasting legacy across Europe. And if such a conclusion is unavoidable for even the model left party, then what hope is there for the rest of us?
A Syriza government is likely, but not inevitable. In the party’s favour the latest polls have reported its support at a new all-time high of 35.5%.2 According to the Left Futures blog, this would, if elections were held tomorrow, provide Syriza with 150 seats in the 300-seat Greek legislature.3
What transforms a sturdy but far from overwhelming 35.5% potential vote into half the seats is, of course, the anti-democratic 50-seat top-up for whichever party receives the largest single vote. Needless to say, minority support provides no basis for working class power. If (if!) Syriza were still committed to its more radical policies from the recent past, the party would face immense opposition.
There is not only the 64.5% of voters who will have sought to deny the party the right to govern, but also the familiar state and extra-state actors for the current order: police, army, courts and magistrates, business executives, bankers, whatever remains of the Greek middle class or its embittered former members, not to mention the street thugs of Golden Dawn – all on top of the more or less instant economic dislocation, capital flight, inflation, etc that would greet such an eventuality. A Syriza committed to running capitalism will be pushed into an open confrontation with the working class and therefore its own electoral base. Hardly a positive example for left parties in other countries.
For its part the governing conservative New Democracy party and its allies will be hoping that the marginal reduction in unemployment over the last quarter and the equally marginal growth of Greek GDP can continue in a positive direction until the election. They are also seeking to find a way to score a definitive political victory by ending the bailout programme (or appearing to) earlier than scheduled – ideally before the election. The coalition parties themselves will no doubt also have modest plans for whatever measly amount of money they can afford to throw at key sections of the electorate – all ‘results’ they will attempt to portray Syriza as threatening.
We can now maybe look upon the stress that comrade Prentoulis placed on the need for unity slightly differently – it will indeed take discipline, no matter how displaced, for Syriza to be maintained in office on such a programme of accommodation.
I would like nothing more than for comrade Prentoulis to be right: for Syriza to be the model we seek to emulate, for working class power to be imminent in Greece, allowing a revitalised and internationalised European left commanding powerful parties across the whole continent, and for the victory, at last, of ‘social justice’. Far more likely any Syriza government will be a government of crisis, a government threatened by the army, the courts and Golden Dawn on the one side and on the other the forces of the working class and the authentic left.
1. ‘Process of accommodation’ Weekly Worker October 30 2014.
In opposition to Western intervention in Iraq and Isis
Proposed by Sheffield branch of Left Unity. This motion won a narrow majority at Left Unity conference in November 15-16 2014
Conference notes:
1.1: That in 2014 the Islamic State (IS) seized control of large parts of northern Iraq and eastern Syria, taking advantage of a power vacuum created by a weak government in the former and the ongoing civil war in the latter. Continue reading
An alternative to “Safe Spaces” document: a short code of conduct
Proposed by Tina Becker, seconded by Robert Eagleton. This motion won more votes than the safe space policy document, but a majority at conference refused to ratify it. Which means that Left Unity has neither a code of conduct or a safe spaces policy.
Conference considers that the method of the “Safer Spaces Policy” confuses a number of issues which ought to be kept separate. It therefore resolves to adopt the following
(1) Code of Conduct for LU members
(2) Rules for Disputes Procedures
(3) Equalities Policy for LU internal procedures
(4) Amendments to the LU Constitution to remove references to the “Safer Spaces policy” and create a simpler and more transparent allocation of responsibility for handling disputes Continue reading
Safe space policy for Left Unity
Movers of this motion surprised conference by presenting a last-minute composite with the ‘solidarity guide for Left Unity’, which was initially ruled out of order but had been allowed back on the agenda by a conference majority. They have added the three worst points from the solidarity guide (though nobody at conference knew where this is supposed go in the ss policy document). A number of people in the debate are referring in particular to point 3:
1) Organising to rid our society of the scourge of capitalism is difficult and often discouraging work. We encourage our members and supporters to show a positive, patient and co-operative spirit.
2) Members who do not abide by the LU constitution may, following fair and transparent internal LU procedures, face suspension and/or termination of their membership.
3) Members who bring LU into disrepute e.g. by subjecting other LU members or supporters to violence or intimidation or who steal party property, will be subject to suspension and /or termination of their membership. Any police agents, racists, fascists, misogynists, or homophobes discovered in our ranks face automatic termination of their LU membership. We take seriously the security and the protection of LU and all of its members.
The safe spaces document lost to the CP’s proposed “code of conduct”. Continue reading
Voting guide for Left Unity Conference
Yassamine Mather on Kobanê and IS
Who is to blame for the catastrophic situation in Kobanê?
In her latest article for the Weekly Worker, ‘The IS conundrum’, Left Unity National Council and Communist Platform member Yassamine Mather finds that the siege raises more question than it answers Continue reading
Wrath of the pure
Many Left Unity members will be aware of the woefully apolitical campaign that is currently being conducted against the party’s principle speaker, Bianca Todd. As in the case of Manchester LU comrade Laurie McCauley, who has been suspended from the branch for writing a sharply critical report, the witch-hunters in this instance also pose as victims. Continue reading
Iraq & Imperialism: Past, Present and Future
Iraq & imperialism: past, present and future
An open meeting to discuss the situation in Iraq and the region more generally. MPs have voted in favour of new bombings on Iraq. What is the alternative? What lessons can we draw from the past actions of imperialism in the region? All are welcome to come along and engage in discussion of these and many other questions.
Our guest speaker is Yassamine Mather, an exiled Iranian socialist and member of Left Unity’s national council (speaking in a personal capacity).
Refreshments provided.
When: 7pm on Thursday October 16th
Where: Old Bath House community centre, Wolverton, Milton Keynes (next to Wolverton Tesco)
This meeting is organised by Milton Keynes branch of Left Unity.
RSVP here
Left Unity branch report – Lewisham & Greenwich 2 October
Our meeting on Thursday, October 2 agreed to hold another one in a week’s time to debate conference motions, so mine on the federal republic wasn’t heard this week.
The reason was that a meeting on Ukraine had been arranged. I thought there would be a debate from comrades with opposing views, but those of Richard Brenner (of Workers Power) and Joseph Healy complemented each other. Continue reading